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The aim of the paper is to test the candidates ability to read and understand serious discursive prose, and to express his ideas clearly,in English and Indian language concerned.

The pattern of question would be broadly as follow:
  1. Comprehension of given passages.
  2. Precis writing.
  3. Usage and vocabulary.
  4. Short essay.
  1. Comprehension of given passage.
  2. Precis writing.
  3. Usage and vocabulary.
  4. Short essays.
  5. Translation from English to the Indian language and vice-versa.
Note-1: The papers on Indian languages and English will be of Matriculation or equivalent standard and will be of qualifying nature only. The marks obtained in these papers will not be counted for ranking.

NOTE-2: The candidates will have to answer the English and Indian Languages paper in English and the respective Indian language(except where translation is involved).


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