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Administration Theory

1. Introduction :

Meaning, scope and significance of Public Administration, Wilson’s vision of Public Administration, Evolution of the discipline and its present status. New Public Administration,  Public Choice approach; Challenges of liberalization, Privatisation, Globalisation; Good Governance:  concept and application; New Public Management. 

2. Administrative Thought :

Scientific Management and Scientific Management movement; Classical Theory; Weber’s bureaucratic model its critique and post-Weberian Developments; Dynamic Administration (Mary  Parker Follett); Human Relations School (Elton Mayo and others); Functions of the Executive (C.I.  Barnard); Simon’s decision-making theory; Participative Management (R. Likert, C. Argyris, D.  McGregor.) 

3. Administrative Behaviour :

Process and techniques of decision-making; Communication; Morale; Motivation Theories content, process and contemporary; Theories of Leadership: Traditional and Modem: 

4. Organisations :

Theories systems, contingency; Structure and forms: Ministries and Departments, Corporations, Companies; Boards and Commissions; Ad hoc, and advisory bodies; Headquarters  and Field relationships; Regulatory Authorities; Public-Private Partnerships. 

5. Accountability and Control :

Concepts of accountability and control; Legislative, Executive and judicial control over administration; Citizen and Administration; Role of media, interest groups, voluntary  organizations; Civil society; Citizen’s Charters; Right to Information; Social audit. 

6. Administrative Law :

Meaning, scope and significance; Dicey on Administrative law; Delegated legislation; Administrative Tribunals. 

7. Comparative Public Administration :

Historical and sociological factors affecting administrative systems; Administration and politics in different countries; Current status of Comparative Public Administration; Ecology and  administration; Riggsian models and their  critique. 

8. Development Dynamics :

Concept of development; Changing profile of development administration; ‘Anti-development thesis’; Bureaucracy and development; Strong state versus the market debate; Impact of  liberalisation on administration in developing countries; Women and development the self-help  group movement. 

9. Personnel Administration :

Importance of human resource development; Recruitment, training, career advancement, position classification, discipline, performance appraisal, promotion, pray and service conditions;  employer-employee relations, grievance redressal mechanism; Code of conduct; Administrative  ethics.

10. Public Policy :

Models of policy-making and their critique; Processes of conceptualisation, planning, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and review and their limitations; State theories and public  policy formulation. 

11. Techniques of Adminstrative Improvement : Organisation and methods, Work study and work management; e-governance and  information technology; Management aid tools like network analysis, MIS, PERT, CPM. 

12. Financial Administration :

Monetary and fiscal policies: Public borrowings and public debt Budgets types and forms; Budgetary process; Financial accountability; Accounts and audit.


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