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Public administration (paper-2) optional

 Indian Administration

1. Evolution of Indian Administration :

Kautilya Arthashastra; Mughal administration; Legacy of British rule in politics and administration Indianization of Public services, revenue administration, district Administration, local self Government. .

2. Philosophical and Constitutional framework ofGovernment :

Salient features and value premises; Constitutionalism; Political culture; Bureaucracy and democracy; Bureaucracy and development.

3. Public Sector Undertakings :

Public sector in modern India; Forms of Public Sector Undertakings; Problems of autonomy, accountability and control; Impact of liberalization and privatization.

4. Union Government and Administration :

Executive, Parliament, Judiciary-structure, functions, work processes; Recent trends; Intra-governmental relations; Cabinet Secretariat; Prime Minister’s Office; Central Secretariat; Ministries and Departments; Boards; Commissions; Attached offices; Field organizations.

5. Plans and Priorities :

Machinery of planning; Role, composition and functions of the Planning Commission and the National Development Council; ‘Indicative’ planning; Process of plan formulation at Union and State levels; Constitutional Amendments (1992) and decentralized planning for economic development and social justice.

6. State Government and Administration :

Union-State administrative, legislative and financial relations; Role of the Finance Commission; Governor; Chief Minister; Council of Ministers; Chief Secretary; State Secretariat; Directorates.

7. District Administration since Independence :

Changing role of the Collector; Union-State-local relations; Imperatives of developmentmanagement and law and order administration; District administration and democraticdecentralization.

8. Civil Services :

Constitutional position; Structure, recruitment, training and capacity building; Goodgovernance initiatives; Code of conduct and discipline; Staff associations; Political rights;Grievance redressal mechanism; Civil service neutrality; Civil service activism.

9. Financial Management :

Budget as a political instrument; Parliamentary control of public expenditure; Role of financeministry in monetary and fiscal area; Accounting techniques; Audit; Role of Controller General ofAccounts and Comptroller and AuditorGeneral of India.

10. Administrative Reforms since Independence :

Major concerns; Important Committees and Commissions; Reforms in financial managementand human resource development; Problems of implementation.

11. Rural Development :

Institutions and agencies since Independence; Rural development programmes: foci and strategies; Decentralization and Panchayati Raj; 73rd Constitutional amendment.

12. Urban Local Government :

Municipal governance: main features, structures, finance and problem areas; 74thConstitutional Amendment; Global-local debate; New localism; Development dynamics, politicsand administration with special reference to citymanagement.

13. Law and Order Administration:

British legacy; National Police Commission; Investigative agencies; Role of Central and StateAgencies including para military forces in maintenance of law and order and counteringinsurgency and terrorism; Criminalisation of politics and administration; Police-public relations;Reforms in Police.

14. Significant issues in Indian Administration:

Values in public service; Regulatory Commissions; National Human Rights Commission;Problems of administration in coalition regimes; Citizen administration interface; Corruption andadministration; Disaster management.


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