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NK SINGH(Head of 15th finance commission) recommendation on centre-state relation

 You may wonder what is the utility of his recommendation in UPSC. However if You seriously went through toppers copy and previous year question paper, you may find it useful. It can be used in giving recommendation in essay related to centre-state and GS-2 paper. Besides it also provide us with insight about the and new perspective to see this issue.

Having said that what are his recommendation?

  1. Rationalisation of central sponsored scheme( currently there are around 211 scheme and sub-scheme under 29 core umbrella scheme costing around 1.2% of GDP).
  2. A high powered committee need to be established to have a relook on schedule 7 of the constitution. The committee need to take into account change in technology, global interdependence and national priorities.
  3. The fiscal deficit target need to be set based on Expenditure outcome rather than point based target.
  4. States keen to have different kind of consultative forum beyond NITI AYOG and NDC. Hence we need to give serious consideration for consultative forum for credible policy dialogue between centre-state.
  5. Coordination mechanism between finance commission and GST Council become a necessity as both deal with revenue.( while Finance commission looks at projection of expenditure and revenue, GST Council fix rate on indirect taxes. Hence a coordination between the Two needed to monitor, scrutinise and optimise revenue target).
  6. The idea of linking central grant to state meeting specific reform outcome is a good step.

To see PK MOHANTY committe recommendation on Bank and NBFC click here--->

RBI committee on coporate and nbfc

TO read about Coporate in bank issues, challenges and prospect click here---->



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