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Report of parliamentary panel on Home Affairs on Management of COVID-19

 The pandemic has exposed the fragile health ecosystem in India. Health occupies public consciousness and it force us to rethink and re-strategies health ecosystem in country which has been neglected in both public discourse and government expenditure.

The parliamentary panel on Home Affairs on Management of COVID-19 on its report made detailed assessment at four aspect:- a)Country's preparedness b)Augmentation of public infrastructure c) social impact d) economic impact

1) Country's preparedness- a)Committee noted that migrant labour, daily wage earner were the worst affected as there were not proper dissemination of information about arrangement being made for their shelter and food in the district which lead to chaos and anxiety and  their large scale movement.

b) Committee recommended that a national plan and guideline under NDMA ACT,2005 and Epidemic Disease Act,1897 and separated wing under NDMA to specialise in pandemic related issue in future

c) Committee also noted that a institutional mechanism( such as special wing under NDMA  for pandemic related issue) needs to be created for effective coordination between centre and state for quick response in future.

2)Augmentation of public infrastructure- a) committee highlighted huge disproportionate availability of ICU beds in public and private hospital and also huge disparity of infrastructure and services in private and public hospital.

b)The committee also noted that large share of health burden has been borne by public hospital because private hospital either remain inaccessible or unaffordable.

c) Committee recommended that there is a need of comprehensive health Act preferably at national level with suitable legal provision to support government to keep check and control over private hospital as there have been reports of selling of hospital beds by them

d) On Insurance committee highlighted how insurance cover not given in initial phase of pandemic and exorbitant high amount of charges taken by private hospital.  Committee recommended to form a regulatory oversight on all hospital  to prevent  refusal of claim of insurance and to promote transparency and accountability and to promote fair price.

3) Social impact- Migrant workers worst affected because of lack of social security and affordable housing. Hence committee recommended to have a national database on migrant worker to identify and deliver benefit.

b) state should ensure continued supply of dry ration and mid day meal to children affected due to pandemic

4) Economic impact- Committee noted the economic disruption happened due to pandemic which led to huge fall in GDP growth

b) it recommended that there is a need to address problem being faced by  non corporate and non farm MSME, Farmers in getting loan. and there is a need of intervention by government to support economic revival especially of MSME.

As SC stated that right to health is fundamental right under article 21 which also include affordable healthcare these recommendation if implemented properly will help India to achieve universal health care.

NK singh recommendation on centre- state relation


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