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 NITI AYOG has published draft policy on migrant labour wherein it highlighted issues and suggested measures to deal with the issue

A key highlight of report-

  1. Mechanisms to “enable voting” so that political inclusion will “enhance accountability of political leadership towards welfare of migrant workers of their respective states.”
  2. Ministry of Labour to set up a special unit on migration.
  3. Inter-state migration management bodies to cover the nation’s key migration corridors: Uttar Pradesh and Mumbai; Bihar and Delhi; Western Odisha and Andhra Pradesh; Rajasthan and Gujarat, and Odisha and Gujarat.
  4. Each state should establish a migrant workers section in their Labour department. Source states should send nodal officers to destination states to work collectively with the labour officers, it said.
  5. Government policies should not hinder but seek to facilitate internal migration.
  6. Migrants should be the target of Disaster Risk Reduction (DDR) programmers in urban centres.
  7. Access to health and other social protection programmes should be portable across state borders.
  8. Skill mapping; using Aadhaar to avail of social security schemes, psycho-social assistance through a national helpline.
  9. . “The existing gap in the unionization of migrant workers is also an important reason for the precarious nature of their employment,”
  10. Identifying institutional gaps, the draft explains how states have limited engagement with migrants. For example, in Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, anti-trafficking units focused on minor women have suffered with inadequate staff and poor supervision of migration trends.
  11. Programmes such as MNREGA and State Rural Livelihood Mission are meant to check out-migration by tribal but that hasn’t quite happened, says the draft.
  12. A reason for this, it says, is that tribals are not “actively included” in skill development schemes and were not able to access them because of “lack of awareness and tedious paper work and processes.” So the policy calls for the state’s Tribal department to have one inspector at the block level and Labour one at the district level.
  13. Calling on employers to be transparent about their value chains and formalize work contracts with migrant workers, the draft policy calls for a “rights-based” approach that taps the migrants’ potential rather than hand-outs and cash-transfers.


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